Reading for Adult Book Group

I am thoroughly enjoying the Gumbo Tales. Sara Roahen is a beautiful writer. I had to take a step away from Roahen before finishing it because my adult book group meets next week. I suggested the book, Olive Kitteridge, so I think that I really need to read it. It is a novel told in short stories from different character's perspectives. Olive is a middle school teacher in Maine, and her husband is a pharmacist. She is not the nicest of human beings, but I have only read one of the stories that focused more on her husband than on her. I downloaded this one on the Kindle. I plan to get it read by Saturday. I think it is doable.

My school book group, Bookmarked, was charged with the task of reading a romance in any genre. We are to discuss the books tomorrow. I have to dig into my summer reading to see if I have one to share. I am sure that I can find a title that I can sell to the group. This group meets weekly, so I have to work hard to have something to discuss every week. We usually do not read the same books, as the kids' likes and dislikes in literature are all over the map. Somehow I manage to find a topic that keeps them coming back week after week.

On Friday I have my first official school Skype session planned. The book group is going to talk to a book group at St. Scholastica High School in Covington. I have no clue how it will go, but I am excited to try.


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