What's Hot on the Shelves

Students have been back at school for four weeks. Books have been flying off and on the shelves. New books were put into the collection just as the students started back to school. Here are some titles that the kids are loving:

The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins is hot, hot, hot. Boys, girls, middle school, high school -- everyone is reading them. I have been pushing them like crazy. I am a big fan of dystopian literature, and these are some of the best around.

Jennifer Brown's Hate List about a school shooting is another title that just won't sit. It's edgy and unpredictable.
All of the Sarah Dessen books are favs of the high school girls, but this one, Along for the Ride seems to be one that never gets reshelved. You just can't knock a good romance story.

All of Ellen Hopkins' titles have been scorching the hands of readers for the last couple of years, but Identical has had more check outs than her other titles. Her themes and fast pace storylines have made these titles good reads for my students.


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