Contests, Contests, and More Contests for TRW

Teen Read Week October 18th--- 22nd
@ PFTSTA Library
Books with Beat! Be Unique! Beat the Stereotype!

Bookmarked, the library book group, and I have planned some really fabulous activities for this year's TRW. Today I spent the morning copying, putting up bulletin boards, and creating the emails that I am going to send out next week advertising each event. If you want to read all about it, open this link-->

The most exciting event is our visit with author Scott Westerfeld planned to kick off the week on Monday. Since he will be here at the beginning of the week, one of the prizes for our Guess the Number of Nerds contest will be a signed book. We will have four books signed, so we will have four winners.

Every year for TRW, I hold a bookmark contest. For this one, the students will need to design their bookmark based on a book with a very quirky character, someone out of the norm, someone who beats all stereotypes.

I also plan a contest that students can enter daily. This year we are calling it: Labels are for Cans not People Contest. Students will pick a clue about a book, character, or stereotype, if they answer correctly they will win a prize. Students can play once a day for the whole week. This activity is always extremely popular, and students stand around listening to the clues that the other students get.
Here are some of our clues:

Luna seems clueless. In what series is she  a character?
My name is Jack, and you can read about me in Shiver. Can you describe me?
I am a hunter, and I know Katniss Everdeen, but I did not fight in the Hunger Games. Who am I?
I am a jock and liked to be called Bobby, not Robert. I was destined to travel and have battled Saint Dane on numerous occasions. In what series will you find me?


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