Glad to Know Someone is Reading This Blog

I get so few comments on this blog that sometimes I think that no one is reading it. Actually, I am tracking visits through Google Analytics, so I know exactly how many people visit this site. Even with the stats I have no clue if anyone is really reading what I write.

Yesterday a student, who rarely checks out books, told me that he totally agreed with my opinion on the Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness. He told me that he also got a bit confused with the voice of the story moving back and forth between characters. I had no clue that he was reading the series because he didn't check it out from the school library. Anyway, I asked him where he read my opinion of the book. He said that he read my blog. Yea!! Somebody is listening. Boy, that feels good. Thanks Brandon for making my day--I bet you didn't even know that you had.


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