Oh the Woes of Technology
Last school year, I utilized the skype technology a number of times. Bookmarked, the library book group, talked to two other book groups several times and an author once. My sister who is a graphic designer living in Atlanta helped the seniors via skype with their PowerPoint presentations for Senior Project. This school year, I just have not scheduled any skype sessions. I would talk about it, but I just didn't get any sessions on the calendar until this past Friday. To refresh your memory: Bookmarked is participating in YALSA's YA Teen Galley Program. So the Patrick Taylor book group is one of sixteen groups in the country receiving advanced reader's copies from the publishers and reviewing these titles for the publishers and the Teen's Top Ten sponsored by YALSA. I thought it would be fun for my teens to talk to kids in one of these other book groups because the kids are reading all of the same books. Kathy Corbiere of Lake Norman Charter in Huntersville, NC was al...