Awesome Author Visit with J & P Voelkel

Jon and Pamela Voelkel make a return visit to Patrick Taylor

Seniors, Zerhow Chan and Michelle Tran, do it again.
They designed another fabulous poster to welcome the authors.
They took the images from the book cover of the End of the World Club
and simplified them for a very eerie look.

 One of our sixth graders explains that he has Mayan ancestors. He was outfitted with a microphone so that he could describe his trip to Copan in his father's native Honduras. He regaled the audience with stories of climbing the ruins.
The Voelkels have traveled to Mayan ruins in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, but had not traveled to Honduras.

 As you can see, the authors were dressed to take us on a trip down to the rain forest.

Jon showed us video of some of the interesting things that he got to eat in Mexico: scorpion, termites, worms, and monkey. Sounded delicous, NOT. Then they offered the teachers a chance to taste one of these tasty morsels: fried worms. Believe it a not we all had a thumbs up.

At the end of the program the students had an opportunity to get their copies of the books signed by the authors.
I would like to thank Judith Lafitte and Tom Lowenberg at Octavia Books
and Egmont Books in making this visit possible.


  1. I helped with designing and painting most of the poster too... ):

    -Michelle T.

  2. Michelle:
    You are so right. I am sorry about that. I have edited the post and added your name. How crazy of me to forget. My bad, as they say. Ms. Kahn

  3. Dear Zerhow and Michelle, thank you so much for making the poster. We LOVED it! In fact, we have very proudly sent it as a gift to our publishers, Egmont, in New York City - so your amazing work will be seen by every author and agent who walks through their doors. Thank you also to Ms Kahn and all the wonderful students of Patrick F. Taylor. You made us feel so welcome and we hope you all had as much fun as we did! With warmest wishes from snowy Vermont, J&P

  4. Summer has hit New Orleans. Right now, I am wishing for a little snow.


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