Visit with Author Katie Crouch

On Tuesday afternoon, the last full day for seniors, we had an author visit. What a crazy time to schedule an author event, but of all the authors that visited this year, Katie Crouch was the first one who wrote for older students. I wanted the juniors and seniors to have the opportunity to meet an author that all the other students at Taylor had.

Katie Crouch is the author of several adult books, but she was touring for her first YA novel, The Magnolia League. This book takes place in Savannah, GA. Katie grew up in Charleston and uses her upbringing as a backdrop to her stories. She never did make her debut, but attended classes in anticipation that she would be a debutante. The debutante society is a large part of this book. As 16 year old Alex must move from northern California after her mother dies to Savannah where the grandmother she never knew holds a very high place in society. Alex is expected to follow in the plan her grandmother has for her. Reluctantly she does until she discovers that their is some mystery surrounding all the members of the Magnolia League. Why do all the women look so young, have large bank accounts, and never seem to leave Savannah? You will have to read the book to discover the mystery.

Here is a photo of me with the author. I am the one with the glasses!

If you want to see more photos of this visit,
check out the PFTSTA Library website here:


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