Wow! We Won Something Special

In May, one of our English teachers asked if I would work on a grant with her. She was looking to fund sets of books to use for teaching her 7th graders. The grant was sponsored by Gale and Library Media Connection. It was not a whole lot of money, but we thought that it was real doable. For the Gale Teams Award we had to highlight a collaborative project that was designed to address a problem or need, explain our goals and strategies and how we met these objectives. During the 2010-11 school year, Lisa Valence and I worked together to help the students write the research paper for the annual social studies fair. We broke down the research process in small bites for the students, and we felt that we had succeeded in achieving our goals. This was the program that we highlighted in the grant.

Today we received the following email:
(Click on the image to enlarge it)

There were a total of 3 winners in the whole country, and we won the middle school division!!!! Gale is sending us to the American Association of School Librarians' Conference in Minneapolis at the end of October where we will be honored at a reception. I can't believe it. I am so thrilled with this honor.


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