Scholastic Art and Writing Awards is Open for Submissions

I was asked to pass this along: 

"We are excited to announce the Southeast Louisiana Writing Region affiliate of the Alliance of Young Artists & Writers will host the second annual Scholastic Writing Awards of Southeast Louisiana. The non-profit organization, sponsored by the Greater New Orleans Writing Project, will administer the prestigious Scholastic Art & Writing Awards to outstanding young writers across Louisiana. Through the success of last year’s competition, we were able to fund scholarships for students to attend summer writing programs and issue the top winners more than $6,000 in cash awards. For almost 90 years, the Awards have helped identify, motivate and validate talented 7th-12th graders across the United States. It is our job as your regional affiliate to facilitate the regional competition and awards ceremony and help our young writers, along with their teachers and parents, through the process.
Teachers and counselors: please keep this opportunity in mind! You need not respond to this mailing for your students to be eligible. ALL students are eligible, and this year, our affiliate will cover all submission fees. So, there’s no cost to enter! Go to for more information..."

Brad Richard and  Catherine Tanguis
Co-Directors, The Scholastic Writing Awards of Southeast Louisiana

Students can begin to submit work for the contest now.
Register here:
Here are the deadlines:
ART DEADLINE: 1/06/2012


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