Logo for the Library

The students in the digital graphics class are required to create a logo for one of their first assignments of the year. The teacher likes every member of the class to get an actual client so that the assignment is as real world as possible. I have a logo for the PFTSTA Library that I have been using for years. However, if a student brings me something outstanding, then I would gladly adopt it. This year two students created logos that I might want to use. 

What do you think of these two? I would love to hear your opinion. 

This first one is from Dylan who used books to spell out the school initials:

Brandon manipulated the school logo and used the tiger interacting with a book to represent the library. He had text in his logo.After going back and forth with me and the teacher many times, he decided to take the text out of the equation:
Leave a comment and tell me what you think.


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