What do the PFTSTA Students Want for Christmas?

I received a bunch of multiple copies of brand new books from a library that could not use them. I wanted to give them away as prizes, so I ran another email contest for the students. That way, I would be getting the books into the hands of kids as well as getting them to read their school email. I also went through some of the boxes in the library and found more books to give away. I had  a total of 31 books which meant ten percent of the student body would win a book.

I really like surveys. So I created a google form and asked the following questions.: What electronic device do you want for Christmas, be realistic or dream a little either way is correct?; What device do you want to give your family for Christmas?; What device do you want to give your friends for Christmas?; and finally, What device do you want to give your teachers for Christmas?. I am so proud of the students at PFTSTA; by reading their responses, you can tell that they put a lot of thought into it. Even though they were asked for a one or two word answer many of the students made some interesting comments.

One student wanted, "a device for his family where we would always be connected."
Another student would "give my friends headphones, gift cards that they could use ON their electronic device. I suppose it just depends."
One sixth grader remarked, "I think the teachers need APPLE LAPTOPS! Down with the Dell! Haha!"
A ninth grade girl says that she wants this for her friends, "Canon cameras because that has been at the top of everyones wishlist this year.
I love this idea for the teachers from a senior, "An e-reader with a complimentary book, The Case Against Homework."

I used my new favorite word cloud creator, tagul, to collate the responses.

All the students want for 2011 Christmas:

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All the students want to get for their families: 

All the students want to get for their friends:

All the students want to get for their teachers: 


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