Thank You Gifts Arrived Today

Yesterday, I received a thank you note from our good friend, author Jewell Parker Rhodes. The students in 7th grade read Ms. Rhodes book, Ninth Ward, collaborated with a 7th grade class from Iowa that read the book, and took a field trip to see the Ninth Ward in New Orleans. In February, Ms. Rhodes visited Patrick Taylor. During her visit, we showed her the videos that the students created that highlighted their field trip to the Ninth Ward. She explained that she was going to a conference in Oxford, England in March and would love to share the students' videos with the attendees. We sent her three of the videos which you can see here.   

Above is a picture of the gifts that she sent the students. The package included pens and bookmarks that sported the Union Jack and postcards from Oxford.
The seventh graders are holding up the postcards that they selected as their gift from Ms. Rhodes. Hiding on the left in the second row is English teacher Cheryl Bordelon and on the right in the second row is English teacher Lisa Valence. The kids were thrilled that their videos were shown across the globe. Too bad we couldn't have gone in person to share what we learned about the Ninth Ward. 


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