Airborn was BRiMS Book for May

On Wednesday, BRiMS, the middle school book group, enjoyed pizza while discussing Kenneth Oppel's book Airborn. I have been so busy reading books with deadlines for reviews that I did not finish the book until Tuesday night. If I had finished the book sooner, I would have known that serving mangoes would have been a more appropriate snack. However, none of the kids complained about the pizza.

We discussed what time period we thought the book came from. The students all felt there were elements of the past and the future. Someone mentioned that the book reminded them of steampunk, and I was surprised that the 6th graders knew that term. I agreed this book definitely has steampunk elements. They also felt that they would want to follow the captain's orders that were given to Matt, but Kate was very persuasive, and they probably would have succumbed to her determination to go back to the forest to find the strange winged mammal. All agreed it was a good story. 

The students did not realize that there are two sequels, and I am going to post some other read-alikes on the BRiMS website. 

This was suppose to be the last BRiMS meeting of the year, but I was offered a skype with an author event that I could not turn down. Next week the group is going to talk with Sherry Shahan who wrote, Ice Island. Now I have to finish reading her book before our scheduled Skype.

Which is more fun, eating pizza in the library or talking about books?


  1. "Airborn" is fun, giving the reader a pleasant diversion to another place, and for those who like word-play, a nice title!


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