Already on My Way to ALA Annual in Anaheim

If you are reading this, then I already arrived in California. This is my first time attending an ALA conference away from home. Living in New Orleans, I have been lucky to attend several conferences over the years just a few minutes from my house. Last year I had so much fun at ALA that I wanted to go this year. Without school funds to attend this conference, I decided to apply for an award that would pay for the airfare and flight to California. I didn't think that I had a chance to win, but I found out in April that I did in fact win. On Monday, June 25th, I will be receiving the American Association of School Librarians Information Technology Pathfinder Award for High School. There is a special luncheon being held, and I will write more on the award later.

First stop when I arrive in Anaheim is to meet up with one of my former students for lunch. She was in first grade when I became a school librarian. I can't wait to see her and find out all about her life as an adult. After that, I will attend the opening session and the opening of the exhibits.

I have a full calendar while there. You can follow all the fun by following the twitter hashtag: #ala12.


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