LaLAMP Tour Across the State of Louisiana

Click the picture above to enlarge it so that you can read our bios
On September 10th, Lisa Valence and I will start our tour across the state of Louisiana to speak to librarians and hopefully a few teachers, too. We begin at home in New Orleans, then travel to Baton Rouge on the 11th, Lafayette on the 12th and finally, Ruston on the 13th. At each site we will give a 75 minute presentation two times. For the last three years, I have been the site coordinator for LAMP in New Orleans. I suggested that the keynote speaker this year should talk about collaboration. The powers that be said that was a great idea and that I should give the speech. If I decided not to give the keynote, then whoever is selected could pick the topic that interested them. I knew that for me to give a good presentation on collaboration, then I needed to have one of my collaborators with me. Lisa Valence teaches middle school English at PFTSTA. We have created some really excellent lessons over the last few years. I am very proud of the materials that we have created to accompany this program on collaboration. You can visit our wiki here:, and you are welcome to share with other librarians. 

The title for the event: 
1.    The action of working with someone to produce or create something.
2.    Something produced or created in this way.


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