Reading More Nominated Titles for Teen's Top Ten

Okay, I may have already neglected to fulfill my goal to post daily about the nominated books for Teen's Top Ten. However, since I have posted everyday, I am not going to chastise myself. I am going to soldier on and post as often as I can about one of the nominated books.

Today, I want to spread the news about Divergent by Veronica Roth. There were a slew of really great dystopian novels published last year. This was one of my favorites. I even created a digital book talk in my Get Reading series about this title. You can find out all about this wonderful book right here:

Get Reading 10 from Elizabeth Kahn on Vimeo.
I was also a big fan of Delirium by Lauren Oliver that I discuss on this episode of Get Reading. Too bad that title didn't make it into the list of nominated books.

When the second title in Roth's trilogy was published this past spring, I was so excited to purchase it. I started Insurgent. I really wanted to like Insurgent, but I did not make it passed page 50. That's okay, the students, who also loved the first in the series like I did, were happy that I had book two and are anxiously waiting their turn to read it.


  1. I loved Divergent, but only made it halfway through Insurgent. Not sure why - still thinking about it now.

  2. I don't know why I put it down too. One of my big readers at school is in the middle of Insurgent. I can't wait to hear how he likes it. If he likes it, then he will recommend it to others.


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