High Note in Library at End of Busy Week at PFTSTA

I can't believe how frantic it can get in a school library. You might think of libraries as the calm oases in the sea of children who move in out of classrooms and down the halls of a school, but the library at PFTSTA is often so busy that my head is spinning by the end of the day. 

We are currently in the midst of getting the middle school students ready to write the research paper for the annual social studies fair. That means I am teaching all the students about where they should look for resources and how to access and utilize those resources. I will also help them learn how to create citations for this paper, but we have not started our lessons on using Easybib yet. 

Along with teaching classes most of the day, I was preparing for the annual Open House for prospective students. Once all the preparations were in place, then I actually had to return to school on Thursday evening and give my two minute spiel about the library almost 25 times as parents and students moved in and out of the library during the Open House. It was exhausting. 

Then at the end of the week, I received an email from some favorite authors of mine. Jon and Pamela Voelkel's newest book in the Jaguar Stones' series was published this week. You can see the cover of this book in the above picture. I have an advanced reader's copy of the book, and I am in the midst of reading it. However, I knew that the Voelkels had named one of the PFTSTA students in the acknowledgements of this book, and the ARC that I received did not have the acknkowledgements printed in it. So I emailed them asking to see the copy with the student's name. They sent me a copy of the page that you can see below. Not only is Stefan named, but I am also. That was a very nice surprise, and a wonderful way to end a week that I did not think would ever end. Thank you Jon and Pamela for including me in your work. It is an honor to be acknowledged. If I wrote a book, then I would probably put the two of you in it because you are so supportive of my work. 
If you click on the above picture, you can enlarge and read the text
Stefan joins the Voelkels to describe his family's Mayan  ancestry during a  visit to PFTSTA in 2011


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