Glimpse of the New PFTSTA

The construction of the new Patrick Taylor Academy began in January 2012 and is slated to be complete in May 2013. I have been taking pictures of the changes in the exterior on a monthly basis. Other teachers have been too. I was also given some video by one of the students as she drove by the new school. I put all of this together in a video. The video below shows the progress of the exterior beginning in January and running through October. 

PFTSTA Construction Jan 2012 to Oct 2012 from PFTSTA on Vimeo

Though I have really enjoyed watching the changes as they take shape, it is the 
recent interior shots that have me jumping up and down. I have never worked in a new school nor had a library space that will equal this one. The principal, Jaime Zapico, has had two hard hat tours of the interior of the new facility. Last week, she took some video just for me of the library space and the common area just outside of the library. Below is a video that I put together of those shots. 

Check it out:

PFTSTA Library Under Construction December 2012 from Elizabeth Kahn on Vimeo.


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