Teacher Resources on Library Website

Click here to open teacher resources page
When the 2009-2010 school year began, I realized that it was time for the library to have its own website. I was using the library OPAC homepage which had one page where I could house resources and links for the school community, but it wasn't enough. The school district had a site where I could post pictures and document events, but I wanted one spot on the web where I could post everything library related. That was when pftstalibrary.com was born. I looked at school library websites around the country and found ones that I liked so I could model mine after one that I thought was excellent. I found one library that used weebly.com, and I decided it was easy enough for me to use too. I have been adding, editing and deleting elements on the website for the last three and a half years. I didn't begin the parent page until September 2012, so there is still lots more to add before that page is complete. 

I am very pleased with the teacher page that I have been trying to improve. I added a section on Common Core State Standards recently and through the Diigo in Education group, I am sent new sites daily in my inbox and share many of these with my teachers either by email or through the library website. 

Please take a look and tell me what you think. Maybe I am missing something that you think is crucial. I want to hear your thoughts. Click here to find the teacher resource's page


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