It's the Last Week for Voting in the Follett Challenge

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We are counting down the last week of voting in the annual Follett Challenge. Follett, a leading educational company, has challenged schools and school libraries to illustrate how they are integrating 21st Century Skills into their programs. Patrick Taylor has applied to the Follett Challenge, a program run by Follett to recognize and reward schools for their work applying technology, content and creativity in ways that engage students, foster literacy and promote critical thinking.  

PFTSTA has 11,574 votes in 8th place
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To enter this challenge we had to write a very intense application of 5,500 words describing our program. Then a group of students created a 5 minute video showing how the library encourages collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking at our school. This is the last week of a 6 week run asking the community to vote for their favorite video. Six schools will win with one school winning upon receiving the most votes. The other 5 schools will be judged on a combination of the application and votes. The students at PFTSTA want to win so that when we move to the new school next year, we can add new library resources. 

Vote daily for PFTSTA until March 18th and help us meet this challenge.


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