Saying Goodbye

On April 29th, Bookmarked, the high school library book group, walked down the street for an end of the year celebration at Dot's Diner. Next year, when we move to the new building, there will be no restaurants within walking distance. So this was one of many of the lasts that we had at PFTSTA throughout May. I am on the left, and our principal, Jaime Zapico is on the right. Behind us you can see all the members of Bookmarked stretched all the way to the wall. It makes my heart sing to have that many students who are interested in reading. Every year I worry the club will drop to nothing, but we always seem to have students who want to join. 

It is always bittersweet to say goodbye to the graduating seniors. The above picture is from our senior awards night that was held on May 2nd. I am flanked here by the two senior members of Bookmarked. Courtney on the left has been in the group for three years, and Emmalyn on the right for two years. I am going to miss both of them. Courtney was head of the group and helped me make a banner for every author visit that we had this year. Both girls are going to continue to read and write reviews for SLJTeen over the summer before starting college. Peeking through the back on the left is Alana, a former member of Bookmarked, and Emmalyn's sister. 

One of the jobs that I have at PFTSTA is to sponsor the weekly Taylor Tube episode that highlights events and activities throughout the school. A group of students film and edit the program, and it is shown on Fridays during the study hall period. The last episode of the year was a sweet goodbye to our deteriorating campus. I thought that you might enjoy seeing what our school actually looks like: 


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