Paris Weighs in on the Dark Days Tour

The books by all the other authors are sitting in a stack in her room
We have been gearing up for the Dark Days Tour on February 21st at 6PM at Octavia Books.

Paris (president of high school book group, Bookmarked) wanted to share some of her thoughts on being asked to moderate the panel with visiting authors Veronica RossiTahereh MafiSophie JordanKiersten White and Claudia Gray.

First, I asked her why she thought that I picked her for this job. She says,  "I think that you think I am a people person and would not be intimidated by the audience and the responsibility. Moderating the tour means that I had to become acquainted with all the authors' works which meant I had a lot to read to prepare. Knowing me, I think that Ms. Kahn knew this was a challenge that I would happily accept and fulfill."

Then I asked her what she is looking forward to the most about this event. At first she had to stop and think, but then she said, "What I am looking forward to most is the fact that the audience will see that I'm a student that others recognized as worthy of the moderator position. I am glad Judith at Octavia Books trusted Ms. Kahn's judgement in selecting me. I believe that I can give everyone what they are looking for!!!! Whenever I meet an author, I am always hoping to get their thoughts when they were writing the story and what they had hoped the readers' reaction would be to the story. I may open the discussion with that."

Next week, she and I will work on developing some good questions. I am not worried about that though because I think that Paris can think on her feet quickly.

We know that one of the first Mardi Gras parades of the season begins only a few blocks away from the bookstore that very evening, but we think attending this event is going to be a lot more fun than catching beads and cups and watching a few marching bands pass by. Hope to see you there!


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