Recap of Teen READ Week 2014

Dream Catchers 
Every year, I enlist the help of members of the high school book group, Bookmarked, to help me plan and execute all the activities for Teen READ Week. Because let's face it, it is the middle school students who get excited about the games and contests that we plan. There are always some high schoolers who participate, but it is the younger ones who get into the spirit of the week with gusto. This year was no different. Each day students could answer the clues for the guessing game that we play in some variation every year, as well as another special activity for each day during lunch. 
No, she did not guess the correct number of candy bars

Creating a dream catcher takes a lot of concentration
When we began planning, none of us was taken by the theme Turn your Dreams into Reality. The idea of careers and jobs just didn't seem very exciting for TRW. It turned out to be a great theme. Our clues for the guessing game revolved around the jobs of our favorite book characters. For the jar that we fill with items where students must guess the correct number, we stuffed Pay Day bars and 100 Grand bars which we thought fit the theme. We created dream catchers for turning our dreams into reality, and we took photos and added speech bubbles explaining what we dream to be when we grow up. The scavenger hunt did not actually fit the theme, but it revolved around books and libraries so we thought it was fitting.appropriate. 

These girls found a book and are deciphering a clue for the scavenger hunt

The students could only access the library OPAC to help with the clues
You can find lots more pictures of the week on the library website. Open here to visit the page of pics


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