Preparing English II for a Persuasive Essay

Tomorrow is my first collaborative lesson with one of our new English teachers. This semester he began teaching all of the English II students, as our school is on a block schedule and classes are held for 90 minutes a day for only one semester. I have worked with these students in science, but in English I hold them to a higher standard in following correct citation format for both works cited and in-text citations. Also, there are many of these students who are new to our school and haven't heard my spiel on research and MLA very often. I wanted to be well prepared, and I wanted to set them up not to fail. In order to do that, I created a tool that I could use to teach a lesson, but also, that they could refer to as they research, take notes, and write. Below is the presentation that I created with links to useful resources on creating a persuasive essay, links to resources to use for research, and detailed explanations of ways to use Easybib correctly for note taking and citing. I feel confident that this tool will help the students. I have embedded the power point below. Feel free to use any pieces or parts of it that may help your students. Please note: to use Easybib for notes and parenthetical citations, you must have the paid version.


  1. While writing compare essay students have to search for up-to-date, relevant sources that support their topics, have a peek for more info!


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