BRiMS Shares Lunchtime with Author, Jen Calonita

Early this past summer, I received an email from Sourcebooks publishers explaining a new skype with an author program that the publisher had just started. The thirty minute skype visits would be free as long as you ordered a certain number of books written by that author. I think that I had to spend $50 on books for a group of 30 to attend the skype, and you can spend less if the group is smaller.They have some guidelines set that are easy to meet. I have done many author skypes over the years and never had to pay for them. Since I wanted the students to read the books of these authors anyway, I figured that purchasing a set of books from the publisher at a discount was really a good deal. I immediately set up a skype for the middle school book group, and once done, I selected an author for the high school book group also. The list of authors is so long that I am sure you can find one that fits the age group that you teach. 

On the last Wednesday of every month the 6th and 7th grade book group called BRiMS (Books Rule in Middle School) meets in the library during lunch to eat and talk books. This month the students were asked to read Flunked by Jen Calonita. For our meeting we connected with the author via skype. If the students weren't fans at the beginning of the half hour chat, they were at the end. You can read more about this visit on the library website here.

Thank you Jen for a terrific chat. You made our monthly meeting for BRiMS truly awesome. Thank you Sourcebooks for helping us make it happen. 


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