Channeling Hogwarts during Homecoming Week

I am not that big on wearing costumes. Okay, you need to understand that I am a New Orleans native, and I grew up wearing costumes for Mardi Gras. Half of the closet in my guest bedroom is devoted to costumes. I just am not interested anymore in getting into uncomfortable and unbecoming attire. For homecoming week this year, the students developed a theme of the day and wore clothes that fit the theme. Teachers were encouraged to join in the fun. I skipped all but Friday. On Friday, students were asked to select a favorite character from a book, movie, or tv show. As librarian, I felt that the gauntlet was thrown, and I needed to become a character from one of my favorite series for the day. 

I dug through my closet and found that Professor Trewlawney and I could work together. The outfit is one that is in my closet, not the costume closet, but it was the wig that made the whole ensemble work. I had round glasses to wear over my real ones that also helped make the transformation. I was pleased that so many students could guess who I was. Some knew that I was a professor from Hogwarts but wasn't sure of my name. Others knew immediately my name. That made for a very entertaining day. There were Hogwarts' students wandering the halls of PFTSTA on Friday, too. Find more pics from the day below.
Friends from the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Houses at Hogwarts

Trying to get to class on time

Dueling with our wands in the library
Madam Pince was none to happy with us


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