Presentation on the Research Process for Louisiana Librarians

When March rolls around, I better be prepared for the annual Louisiana Librarian Association Conference. This year, I will be heading to Lafayette on Wednesday. I am going to be presenting twice.

The presentation that I planned is how to manage the research process for middle and high school students. I have given this presentation before in a bit different format to teachers but never to a group of librarians. I am sharing the slide show for this presentation with you below, and you can find links embedded in the slides to view all the tools that I have created for my students. Please note that many of the points that I make in the presentation may be something that we take for granted as librarians. My point in reiterating them in the presentation is that it is important to teach both your teachers and students the importance of following correct format, using varied sources, citing correctly, etc. If we know how to follow correct research practices, it is our job to teach it and make sure that our teachers follow through in the classroom. 
This is how the presentation reads in the conference brochure

I don't like to do anything at the last minute, but I really wanted to bring the teacher's voice to my presentation on research and the importance of collaboration. Today, the day before I present,  I recorded Cheryl Bordelon, the chair of the English department. I asked some questions about the importance of research, and she kindly answered. 
Hear her answers below. 
English teacher talks about research and collaborating with librarian from Elizabeth Kahn on Vimeo.
The other presentation that I will be doing is for the Louisiana Teen's Reader's Choice Awards. This session is designed to present the books that were selected for the 2018 awards. I am on the state committee to select the books, and I will help by booktalking Nimona by Stevenson, All the Bright Places by Niven, and Dumplin' by Murphy. You can find download the full list of the 2018 LTRC books here


  1. Great presentation, Elizabeth. May I borrow some of your slides (with attribution, of course)? Do you use a specific research process at your school? Your slide #5 shows four steps to begin -- do you talk about those four steps every time? Are there further steps that you enumerate?

    1. Please feel free to use what you like. I am happy to share. I sent you an email explaining how it depends on the age of the student and what the teachers want on whether I explain all four steps. The middle school is done in small bites, and the high school needs less help and is done in bigger chunks.

  2. It is great to see that librarians across the world are sending out the same message. Thanks for sharing your presentation and I hope it goes well!

    1. I agree. That validation that others are doing what I am doing means that I am right on target in preparing my students for college and career.


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