Find Out What Has Been Happening in the PFTSTA Library

I have taken a short break from posting in this blog, but that does not mean that I have been negligent in the library. October and November saw many classes in all grade levels visiting the library for research for a social studies paper. Our students must submit a paper to receive honors' credit for any social studies course. I also spent $375 of library funds on new materials for our library makerspace. I will probably do a separate post about those new items, but I am definitely going to write about the new green screen. It was up in the library less than 24 hours before students started using it. I will write a post just on that. 

For now, I thought it would be fun to post a bunch of pictures so that you can see what my students have been up to. 

We are a 1:1 school but when laptops break down, students use the library computers

This student is focused on building a bridge with K'Nex. It is still in the works, 
The Keva Planks were a real hit and students began building as soon as they hit the shelf

We may have lots going on in our library, but books still play a major role

Students collaborating on a project with K'Nex

There was a very short learning curve for figuring out how to work Bloxels

Students made origami "balloons" to cover the ligths decorating the doors

This is a close up of the decorated lights on the doors

Students set up for a photo with the green screen


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