LLA 2018 Annual Conference and Winning an Award

Louisiana Library Association always holds its annual conference in mid-March. This year it was in Alexandria, LA. Not much going on there, but the hotels were very convenient to the conference center, and I did not have to move my car until I was ready to leave for home. When LLA made the call for conference proposals, I applied to talk about tech tools for formative assessment. This was a presentation that I did for teachers and librarians in my district, and I thought it would be a good one for this conference.

Some of these tools you migh be familiar with, but I hope that there is something new for you there:

One of the tools that I discussed in my presentation was Padlet, so I asked those attending to post on a Padlet different ways that they could utilize the various tools in their library. Below are the suggestions that they posted. Use the slider bar at the bottom to see all of the nine columns. Please feel free to add your ideas to the Padlet also. 

Made with Padlet

One of the highlights of conference is the annual awards ceremony. For several years  I was chair of the committee that gave out the School Librarian of the Year Award. I loved being able to talk about the excellent school librarians in the state and bestowing the award. This year, I received an award, and it was almost as much fun receiving as accepting. I won the LLA 2018 James O. Modisette Award for excellence in a middle/high school library. Below is a video of Stephanie Wilkes presenting the award to me and my acceptance speech. It is about four and a half minutes long. If you don't want to listen to me, you might want to hear Stephanie. She makes me sound awesome. 

LLA 2018 Awards Ceremony from Elizabeth Kahn on Vimeo.


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