Library Filled with Activities for Teen Read Week 2018

It’s Written in the Stars @ PFTSTA Library Teen Read Week October 9 th -12 th 1. Annual Library Book Mark Contest : Two winners, one from middle school and one from high school, will receive a $20 gift card to Amazon, and their bookmark reproduced to give away to the PFTSTA community. You can visit the library for a hard copy or open here : to print out from the web. All bookmarks are due in the library by Wednesday, October 24 th at 2:30PM. 3. Now showing in your library : Visit the library at lunch on Tuesday to watch "Third from the Sun" an episode of the television show The Twilight Zone . A treat will be served. 2. Who is the star? Guessing Game : On Wednesday and Friday, visit the library to get a clue about a starring character in a book or a starring actor in a movie. If you guess the n...