Time to Mark a Milestone in Career

When I go back to school tomorrow, it is the start of a new year that we have been waiting for - a new year that we hope will eventually turn into a normal one. Starting tomorrow will begin my 41st year of teaching. Though I am not yet retiring, and I won't receive a gold watch or any other kind of recognition, I  still think that it needs some sort of marker. At least, it does to me. So on the last day before break, I posted a picture of myself taken in my library on social media. I got many comments and responses from family and friends and former colleagues, but it was the comments from former students that touched me the most. 

Hearing from students that what I taught them in the library was something that was useful in college is what makes me still find my job so rewarding. If what I do doesn't translate beyond my library and my school, why teach it?

Here are a couple of my favorite comments:

This student did not hang out in the library but visited with his classes from 6th through 12th grade

This student visited the library daily and headed the high school book group as a senior

On one of the last days before break, a small seventh grade girl walked into the library with a gift basket that was almost as big as she was. Inside were many treats including coffee, chocolate, a book, and a note from the girl's mother. The note was so sweet and really touched me. This year it as been so hard to connect with the kids. Her daughter is in my middle school book group that meets every Friday, but unlike other years she can't visit the library any other time during the week. 

Parent note

Gift Basket

This has been one of the most difficult years of teaching that I have had due to the many restrictions in place at school during the pandemic. I really miss the hustle and bustle of the library with kids in and out all day long. With the roll out of the vaccine, I am hopeful that the doors to the library will eventually be open to all, and I can continue to provide the library program that I am used to offering all the students at school. 


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